Empyreal® 75 Digestibility in Cecectomized Roosters
Background: Protein digestibility of animal and vegetable origin can be variable due to manufacturing practices and the presence of anti-nutritional factors. To verify the availability of Empyreal 75, an in vivo digestibility study was conducted at the University of Illinois in cecectomized roosters.
Objective: Evaluate the digestibility of Empyreal 75 in cecectomized roosters.
Materials and Methods:
- Four Single-Comb White Leghorn roosters (40 weeks old) were fed about 25 grams of as-is Empyreal 75 in 25 mL of water.
- Excreta was collected for 48 hours, lyophilized, weighed, ground and the parameters analyzed.
- The ingredient was analyzed for gross energy, total metabolizable energy (TMEn) and true amino acid digestibility (TAA) in cecectomized roosters.
- The total metabolizable energy value shows digestibility of about 80%.
- True amino acid digestibility are mostly above 90%.
Obs: Correction factor for nitrogen content = 8.22 kcal/g nitrogen
- AME = (EI – E0) / FI
- TME = AME + (FEL / FI)
- TMEn = TME – (8.22 * ANR / FI) – (8.22 * FNL / FI)
- AME = apparent metabolizable energy
- EI = gross energy intake
- EO = gross energy voided of the feedstuff (excreted)
- FI = feed intake
- TME = true metabolizable energy
- FEL = fasting energy loss
- TMEn = true metabolizable energy corrected for the nitrogen content
- ANR = apparent nitrogen retained
- FNL = fasting nitrogen loss
- The total metabolizable energy value for Empyreal 75, about 80%, is commonly seen in protein ingredients with extremely low fat and carbohydrates in cecectomized roosters.
- Numbers above 90% for true amino acid digestibility in roosters are excellent.
- Empyreal 75 is recognized as an outstanding, highly concentrated protein source for livestock feed, pet food and aquaculture feed.
Cargill Branded Feed creates proprietary feed ingredients to improve digestive health and performance for production animals in the beef, dairy, aquaculture and pet food markets. Branded Feed is a segment of Cargill Starches, Sweeteners & Texturizers (CSST).