Nutrition Analysis
Empyreal® 75 is manufactured with a clear purpose in mind. This plant-based, sustainable protein concentrate is specifically designed to benefit everyone in the value chain — from the feed mill, to producers, to the animals themselves. Because of this deliberate design, Empyreal 75 provides nutritional and functional consistency in every shipment. Most importantly, this product is created to promote fast, safe and efficient growth in animals, which results in higher profits. That means both animals and businesses gain more.
Empyreal 75 is a registered trademark of Cargill Incorporated. All rights reserved. The above product information describes typical product characteristics but is not guaranteed and should not be construed as product specifications. Such information is, to the best of our knowledge, true and accurate. However, since the conditions of use are beyond our control, all recommendations or suggestions are made without guarantee, express or implied, on our part. We disclaim all liability in connection with the use of the information contained herein and all such risks are assumed by the user. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to infer freedom from patent infringement. We further disclaim all warranties, express or implied, of product merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
Cargill Branded Feed creates proprietary feed ingredients to improve digestive health and performance for production animals in the beef, dairy, aquaculture and pet food markets. Branded Feed is a segment of Cargill Starches, Sweeteners & Texturizers (CSST).